Dead Space Web Comic

In a rare professional collaboration, my brother and I helped illustrate a web comic for the E.A. game
DEAD SPACE. I did the drawing and Anson did the coloring. It's pretty short, with a small amount of
limited animation. There's some scary stuff on the website. The website is here or go directly to the web comic here
Cool project - Graphics look great - fun animation...
Off the hook!!!
very nice...
Very good art and scary trailer!
Pretty sweet , nicely executed too.
Super cool! I played the game at Ronnie's house on his XBOX when was at APE a few weekend ago. Nice little sibling collaboration.
skylark, brocasso, roberto, dominic-Thanks for dropping by folks! Such a diverse and talented group!
louie-Collaborations between me and my brother have been pretty rare. Ho about you and your bro? Have you guys ever collaborated?
Wow....really fantastic stuff!
We've talked about it many a time but.... Perhaps when we're all old and fat, we'll probably get something going!!
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