Comic-Con 2010

Boy, the year sure went by quickly. It's already time for San Diego Comic Con! Once again, I will have an Artist's Alley Table ( DD23 ). This year, they seem to have put the Artist's Alley tables on the far left wall of the main hall ( if you are entering from the main entrance ). I have a new FULL COLOR book this year called ART OF CRIME that collects my crime comics as well as some new material. And of course I will still be selling copies of last years STRIKING WORKS sketchbook, as well as my 24 hour comics, and Fanny McRollo prints and some original artwork.

I will also be part of a Saturday afternoon panel on film illustration/storyboards etc.
The skinny:
4:00-5:00 The Design Process for Film and Television— The making of a film or television show is a collaborative process. Costume Illustrators and Concept and Storyboard artists, serve a key position in the web of communication that is essential to filmmaking. This panel highlights the fundamental importance of illustration, as well as the seamless creativity between the key conceptual departments on favorite feature films and television productions. Moderator Harrison Ellenshaw, (Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back), hosts Costume Illustrators from CDG, Local 892: Christian Cordella (The Last Airbender), and Brian Valenzuela (Star Trek 2009), and Artists from ADG, Local 800: Benton Jew (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides), Phil Saunders (Iron Man 2) and dual member (CDG and ADG) Robin Richesson (The Last Airbender). Indigo Ballroom, San Diego Hilton Bayfront
Hope to see you all there!