Al Jaffee Honored At The Annual CAPS Banquet
Legendary MAD Magazine artist Al Jaffee was honored with a Sergio Award in Woodland Hills, CA on Oct.29. Every year, CAPS ( Comic Art Professional Society ) honors a cartoonist and holds a dinner in his/her honor. Al is most famous for his "fold-ins" for Mad Magazine and is it's longest running contributor. I remember marveling at his fold-ins since the early 70's, when I saw my first MAD. It's al Al's fault that you can never find an old copy of MAD in mint condition. Al looked great for his 90 years. It's amazing that he's still working and producing great work. It was a privilege meeting him at the banquet, and seeing the many luminaries who came to honor him as well.
Thanks for posting this, Benton. I was sorry I couldn't attend!
Randy-We missed ya! Cool freebies! Everyone got a nifty cloth napkin drawn by Sergio.
Don't forget the napkin was a "fold-in" too! Are you jealous yet Randy? The dinner was fun and the program CAPS put on was pretty great too!
Well deserved I say. He's a legend.
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