Supergirl in Living Color....

Here's a sketch I did of Supergirl. It's for CAPS ( Comic Art Professionals Society ) group entry for the program book at this year's San Diego Comic Con. This year's subject is "The Legion of Superheroes". The Legion of Superheroes holds a special place for me in my childhood. When I was in the first or second grade and I realized I might have a knack for drawing, some of my classmates would encourage me by paying me a nickel to draw them a picture of their favorite "Legion" character. This would eventually devolve into requests for me to "draw Supergirl naked". It certainly helped improve my figure drawing! The drawing for the book will be printed in black and white, but I decided to do color for the blog. Admittedly, I'm a horrible colorist and did a few versions that I'm not 100% happy with. So if you want to test your own coloring chops, I've provided the black and white version for you to give it a stab at. Just email me the file and I'll post it up here.
See my brother's colossal contribution here
Nice drawing! You've got a really cool blog - been watching for a while - keep up the excellent work!
Nice rendition of Supergirl! The coloring of the one on the left seems to do the job for me!
Gotta agree with your bro , the 1st looks good to me.
kevin-Thanks for coming by! Thanks again for your submission! Nice job! I'll be posting up your contribution and any others in a month or so. Again it's always great to find a new face here.
anson, dominic-That was pretty much the first one I did. Simple always seems to do the best for me. Of course I'm always interested in seeing how someone else approaches the same piece. There's not much to work with in the drawing, so how does one make it interesting?
Benton, superb work on this portrait! Your inks blow me away, very direct and powerful.
I like the first two color versions, maybe the top could be the mix of them - shadow scheme of the 1st and tones of the 2nd!
roberto-Thanks for the comments! No more "inking" for me! This was done on my new Cintiq 12wx. Still getting used to it. There's a bit of a learning curve and my computer is a bit slow at times.
"This would eventually devolve into requests for me to "draw Supergirl naked". It certainly helped improve my figure drawing!"
Huh. Funny stuff- never knew that!
Cool drawing! (Like you, always have a fondness for the LSH- well, especially with my idolizing early Cockrum work)
Suprised that you think that your coloring isn't that hot, though....(Looked fine to me)...
Crazy-I remember the first LSH issue I ever saw was #198. GREAT cover by NIck Cardy, with nice art and wonderfully imaginative costumes by Dave Cockrum!
You going to Super-Con up in your neck of the woods next week? Maybe I'll see you there?
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