Ah, The Good Old Days...

This was the first of many rock posters I did with my friend Darren Wong during the 90's. He'd do the graphic design part, and I'd do the illustration. I'd also do a lot of "retro 50's comic style" art for several album covers, posters etc,( Screeching Weasel, Undercover S.K.A., Newcleus ) in those days. The Trashwomen were a great little surf band to see live. Aagh, I noticed I did this 13 years ago! Feeling old...
Aww man this brings up some memories for me. I remember seing this by your desk in the art department! I thought to myself, now this is a cool cat. This place is gonna be alright.
so good
sah-wheat, the old EC comics cover layout always rocks.
What a hoot of a pic ! Fun stuff.
Mannnnnnn, when you first showed me this poster 13 years ago, I was thinking this is leaps and bounds better than ANYthing on the streets these days. It wasn't posters by Coop, or Pizz, or Psychic Sparkplug or Kozik that inspired me to plunge into rock art, it was this one phenomenal poster--and all of Benton's (and Darren's) other local gig posters that followed. My eyes were all a-gloss when I first saw it.
And yeah, the Trash Women were without a doubt the SHIT! You couldn't see them live and not walk away worshipping them. I still listen to "I'm Waiting" all the time.
Great to see this poster again B.J. Thanks for posting it.
bko-Yup, those were good times. Miss that old ILM art department. What a talented group to work with!
eyecaps, ccarman, dominic-Thanks for stopping by! The old school EC comics thing seems to repeat itself several times in my history via posters, CD covers and other side projects. I'll probably be posting more of that old stuff soon...
les-Thanks! I remember you doing a few cool posters yourself! Love to see you post those up again sometime!
Ahhh, The Trashwomen! It was a hoot watching them perform live. Even if they didn't always play their instruments perfectly, they played with charm and a sense of fun. And with lyrics like, "..who needs boys when you've got batteries" how can you lose?
Best music poster ever. This was fun to work on together with you, Benton. We should make t-shirts again!
Hi Benton,
It's great to catch up on your work. i'll be checking this blog out more often, it's always inspiring!
I've done advertising art (storyboards, layouts), for awhile now, where art directors & clients are obsessed w/being "current", fashion conscious, etc., and it's nice to see work that recognizes the value of the earlier styles.
Can I leave a link here or elsewhere to my online comic?
Love what you're doin'!
C. Marrinan
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The Trashwomen are playing in LA once again!!
July 12, 2008 @ Mr. T's Bowl!!
You read it here first!!
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