Rush Hour, Rise on book and dvd...

A couple of things came out this year with my work in them. First off, a book titled "Rush Hour: Lights, Camera, Action!" came out this summer. It covers the making of the three "Rush Hour" movies. I've been a Jackie Chan fan since the late 70's and it was a kick to finally get to work on "Rush Hour 3". There are a bunch of my storyboards, sketches, and photoshop art in the book. I'm including a small sampling here, including a color piece I did that was erroneously credited to another artist in the book.
Also out is the DVD of the low-budget horror flick "Rise: The Blood Hunter". There is a storyboard to film comparison with my storyboards in it.
Oddly, I didn't get a screen credit on either of these films, but it's nice to see my work recognized in SOME way....
Nice work!great storytelling and angles.
Really nice!
Awesome! Looking forward to the book and dvd coming out!
Just a thought.... have you thought about a collection of your different works on different films/original stuff as well?
I say this, because I just got a post that another Star Wars artist, Matt Busch, looks like he got the ok to do a whole collection of his work, movies and his own stuff...
Have you given any thoughts to publishing one of these, or are the rights a lot more complicated than it seems on the surface?
Marco-Thanks for coming by. Nice work on your blog!
Crazy-The Rush Hour book and Rise DVD book have been out. Available now!
In terms of collecting my work, I do plan on self-publishing a sketchbook/artbook soon. A limited run thing with my own stuff in it. It won't have anything from any of the big studio movies I've worked on though.
In terms of your questions on rights, it's probably more complicated ( publishing my film work ) than I'm willing to deal with at this time.
But who knows, maybe one day...
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nice lighting on that rush hour 3 piece! Love that warm feeling with the tiny touch of cool from the tv.
I'll be keeping an eye on this blog for your sketchbook release. Generally I don't buy them, but I'd love to see what you're up to in your 'spare time'! Now, I'm off to rent/buy what you've got here...
Btw, Have you thought about putting out a comic story? Gabriel Hardman is shopping around a great one these days. Very inspiring. It's HERE if you haven't seen a preview yet. (Hope that link works!)
It'd be awesome to see your storytelling chops in action on your own stuff!
PPS are there any copies of your 'Babes in Space' anthology still available?
eyecaps-Thanks for your comments! It was nice to do a drawn 2D sketch on that piece as opposed to the photoshop collage stuff I did on most of that show.
warren-Thanks for stopping by! The plan for my sketchbook will be to have a few short comics stories as well as some old odds and ends and some new stuff.
Thanks for the link to Gabriel's stuff. Nice work! I've never met him, but I know he's another storyboard artist in town as I've heard his name a few times out here.
The now defunct "" website is now at I believe it should still work. If not, try Jamie Baker, Anson Jew, or Les Toil's sites ( see right column ). Or you can just shoot me an email me directly and we'll work something out. Cost is $10 plus $2.50 p&h
And how about a book of YOUR stuff? Seen some beautiful stuff on your blog!
Done and done! I ordered a copy via If the shipping is more due to international BS, lemme know, and I'll comp you.
As for me putting out a book, I say HA! Thanks for the props, though.
man your boards are fantastic, clear storytelling and consistently, efficient rendering....very inspiring sir.
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