welcome to bentonsblog

Hello there!
This is my first blog.
I am an illustrator living in Los Angeles. Mostly
doing storyboards and concept artwork for films.
Spent most of my career working at Industrial Light & Magic
working on such films as Ghostbusters 2, The Mask,
Men In Black1 & 2,The Mummy 1 & 2, Terminator 2,
Hulk, The Phantom Menace as well as scores of commercials.
Left ILM for the greener pastures of Los Angeles, where
I went freelance and worked on Terminator 3,
Chronicles of Riddick, Bad Boys 2 and many others.
This blog will cover illustration, films, popular culture
and politics. Here is a sample of something I've been
noodling on and off in my spare time. Swamp Thing
vs. RoboBear!