Political Cartoons
Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I entirely missed September, but I promise to make up for it with multiple posts this month.
A couple of months back I did a posting about a book I worked on called The Adventures of Unemployed Man. I pencilled, inked, lettered, and colored an origin story page as well as a few faux ads, including the one below.
The book will officially be released on October 18, but It's already in a few book stores now. The authors, Erich Origen and Gan Golan are doing various book signing events, including a kickoff at Phoenix Books in San Francisco ( see their site for details ). There will also be events coming up at Skylight Books and Book Soup in L.A. ( I will try to attend at least one of those ).
It's a funny, perceptive look at the current financial crisis. Buy this book!
Unemployed Man is not the only politically themed project I've been working on lately. I recently did some comic strip style artwork for the Los Angeles Democratic Party on a flyer promoting voting by mail. If you're in L.A., you can probably pick up copies of the flyers by visiting their offices.
Below are some samples of some of the work I did for that project.