Rush Hour, Rise on book and dvd...

A couple of things came out this year with my work in them. First off, a book titled "Rush Hour: Lights, Camera, Action!" came out this summer. It covers the making of the three "Rush Hour" movies. I've been a Jackie Chan fan since the late 70's and it was a kick to finally get to work on "Rush Hour 3". There are a bunch of my storyboards, sketches, and photoshop art in the book. I'm including a small sampling here, including a color piece I did that was erroneously credited to another artist in the book.
Also out is the DVD of the low-budget horror flick "Rise: The Blood Hunter". There is a storyboard to film comparison with my storyboards in it.
Oddly, I didn't get a screen credit on either of these films, but it's nice to see my work recognized in SOME way....